Business, Network Marketing.
How to recognize stupid mlm prospects - are your prospects not interested in your mlm business? You just have not found the right prospect yet. It' s not your fault.
As a Manager at Kennedy Space Center Florida, I worked every day, to help the IAM Union work force improve and engage to make a difference. - i thought i could make a difference by helping others succeed at their job. I knew their pain, because several years earlier, I was an hourly worker, for Space Shuttle Processing. Every morning at 0645 I met with 22 Technicians, scattered around a large table, and described the power that they had to make a difference and help us improve our processes. I have other similar examples to explain why MLM is a very compelling industry for me. It soon became clear that these Technicians were content with the status quo and did not intend to change.
MLM business building is like a natural selection tool for identifying the people that you will work with. - a prospect is a man or woman that you invited to your first presentation and called you back. What is a prospect? The following list of prospects will help you save time and aggravation during the prospecting process. She will even argue about time freedom. The Antagonist: Her life objective is to debate what you tell her.
She thrives on conflict. - she will waste your time asking questions about non income producing activities( ipa) . She will continually question your business and will want to know all of the details about everything. Caution, do not confuse the antagonist with a prospect who genuinely wants information. He will try to set up more phone calls with you so he can tell you more about his past accomplishments. The Great One: He will keep you on the phone as long as you will listen to his past accomplishments. His objective is to tell you about all of his successes and accomplishments.
Befuddled: He is an introvert. - do not waste time with this prospect. He really does not know why he called you. He does not have a goal or vision of what he wants. He is not a good communicator. Sometimes you have to ask him if he is on the phone. Legend: You will meet numerous legends.
He does not belong in network marketing. - he has done 20 deals, and can bring 30, 000 people in your down line. He has done it all he can tell you about all of his past experiences. He will ask you for a little front money, because his is so good that he thinks you should pay him. If he was such a legend he would not be talking to you. If he starts talking about internet and lead generation systems, his objective is to sell you something. Systems Expert: He will listen to your story intently and sound very motivated, but then will shift the focus to internet or lead generation systems because that is what he is selling.
Professor: She will ask you how fast the absorption rate is of your multivitamin. - she will have you on the phone for hours asking you for information related to non ipa' s. She will want to know how your compensation plan compares with company X and Y' s compensation plan. Chronic: He acts really excited. He may call you for up to a year. He calls you regularly and has lots of questions, but always has one more question before she will join.
After he calls you three times, do not spend any more time with him. - she is the master of disguise. Magician: She appears to be exactly what you are looking for. He will sound very motivated on the phone and she will sign up to work with you. Surfer: Sits in front of his computer on the internet and surfs websites 10 hours a day. Then, you will never hear from her again. She will spend all of his time surfing the net looking at different companies, blogs, lead generation systems, etc. that do not contribute to building his business.
What do all stupid prospects have in common? - he is too busy surfing to recruit. They will not understand that they get paid for only two IPA' s: Promoting their products and promoting their business. You are looking for the Passionately Curious person: He does not argue, he has honest questions, he does not brag, but just wants to know more about your company. What kind of person are you looking for? He is a very ethical and rational person. He is ethical, and decent, rational.
He listens intently to you and gets to work. - passionately curious person will be in two types of life situations: he will hate his lifestyle or he will be broke. Another name for this person is the rainmaker, because he will make you very rich.
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