Business, Network Marketing.
Approach your mlm business as an apprentice - have you considered becoming an apprentice in your network marketing business? Have you ever hesitated to talk to someone about your business because you didn' t know exactly the right thing to say?
Imagine how differently you might feel about moving forward if you looked at it from this perspective. - did you make the decision not to take any steps in your business until you know everything there is to know about it? Have you ever quit a business after a few weeks for various reasons? Are you fearful that you might not know the answer to a question or know how to respond to a comment? Maybe you are evaluating things based on the wrong mind set and the wrong data. Have you considered this and set this up for yourself?
Do you have a probation period in your business? - examine your thinking and make sure you are evaluating your business success based on the right criteria. And, per a job description, you must be performing certain tasks daily to pass that probation period, right? Most jobs have a 30 - 90 day probation period, right? Are you expected to have all of the answers on day one? Being an apprentice means taking action and learning as you go along. Or, are you expected to take action and learn and find solutions as you move on?
It' s not about locking yourself up in a closet and working on things until you get them perfect. - it' s knowing that with each step, you learn a little more and you get a little better. It' s about knowing that you have resources and a safety net to catch you as you take your first shaky steps in your business. What if you went into your business with the mindset of being an apprentice? Would you do it? What if your upline was willing to coach you and you just need to commit to being an apprentice?
And, remember that you can apprentice from others outside of your upline as well. - if someone else is getting results that you want, commit to learn from and follow that person. There are tons of great leaders in the industry. If you are struggling in one area, are you willing to watch someone who has the skill set you want and learn from them? Set up the job description that you would give yourself if you were hiring you for a job. Then, will you act on it? What would the daily and weekly tasks consist of?
Then, set up a probationary period for the job. - what would be the minimum required to keep the job? Keep a tracking sheet that lists your daily and weekly tasks. Focus on what you must do to improve for the next week. Evaluate yourself at the end of each week. No sense beating yourself up for what didn' t get done.
Do you need another apprenticeship? - play full out to the end of your probationary period and then evaluate where your next steps will lead. Are you committed enough to step out on your own? Accept that you have entered a new career path and the best thing you can do is accept an apprenticeship from others who have achieved what you want. Treat your network marketing business like the business that it is. There are eager colleagues out there ready to advise and counsel you.
Just ask!
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